Our products

The main activity of the company is to transform PVC waste into ground plastic material, MPS (compliant with UNI 10667), through a volumetric reduction operation. The grinding process of the waste is managed within our 5 functioning plants, with the possibility of varying the grinding volume, producing a size ranging from 4 mm to 14 mm.

Rigid PVC

Then we have the rigid PVC family of MPS. Below you will find our main references.

Plasticized PVC

In our production we find two categories of MPS. Let’s start with the family of plasticized PVC grinds, among which we distinguish light grinds (eg leaf) from heavy grinds (eg hollow).

© 2022 - MondoSD srl | Sede Legale: Via del Bosco, 28 – 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) | P.IVA 01511120121
Sede Operativa: via Vicinale delle Vallogge di Sotto | 20010 BERNATE TICINO (MI) | Tel. +39 02 r.a. | Fax +39 02 97.56.266